
A simple device that every hotel needs
Fridgestop helps lock your hotel mini-bar in place within the cabinet.
An Intuitive Solution
Prevent damage, unnecessary repairs and on-going adjustments to your in-suite Mini Fridges. Available in four standard sizes, with custom sizing available.

Born out of a problem
There has been a problem plaguing the hospitality industry for years —
Minibar Fridges that don’t stay in place.
Hospitality clients, constantly express their frustration that nobody had figured out a solution to prevent mini fridges in hotel rooms from sliding around in their cabinets. This causes damage, unnecessary repairs, and adjustments on an ongoing basis.
The market has a complete lack of options, leading many hotel engineers and staff to create DIY solutions for the problem, but nothing has been satisfactory or easily replicated. And surprisingly nobody has taken the initiative to create a solution in any capacity. Until now…